
Showing posts with the label to Pakistan

How to Get Rid of IMF Loans to Pakistan

  * Get rid of IMF * * Saying of France appointed ambassador to Congo after independence from France * One day the French ambassador went out into the jungles of the Congo in search of prey. While walking in the jungle, the French ambassador saw some people in the distance. They thought they might be standing there to greet me. When they approached, they found out that it was a man-eating tribe. So they grabbed the French ambassador, slaughtered him, made a frying pan, took out the soup and threw him into the forest. France was furious and demanded that the Congolese pay millions of dollars in blood money to the ambassador. The Congolese government was holding its head, the coffers were empty, the country was in a state of poverty and famine, however the Congolese government wrote a letter to France which read the following. The Congolese government is deeply saddened by the incident with the ambassador. Since our country cannot afford to shed blood, after some